15 December 2023

Action Alert - Help Save Alpine's Carlisle House

The Thomas and Fanny Carlisle House located in Alpine, Utah is now under threat and is planned for demolition by the adjacent Mountainville Academy 

The Carlisle House at 129 S Main St Alpine, Utah.  Photos from Carlisle House Photo Studio.

Interior images of the Carlisle House at 129 S Main St Alpine, Utah.
Photos from Carlisle House Photo Studio.

BUT, this historic home has a real chance of being saved!  There is a cash buyer for this house and no reason to lose it as the city of Alpine has said they would sell another lot for the school to build upon. Demolition of this important community place is not needed as there are alternatives available that are feasible and make sense for all involved.

The house is noteworthy because it was the first to be constructed beyond Alpine’s “Old Fort Wall,” which was expanded in 1855 from a smaller fortification called “the Wordsworth Fort.” The house stands as one of the last remaining pioneer homes in Alpine.

It was built in several stages from around 1855 to 1910 and is associated with the early settlement and development of Alpine. The various building periods are noticeable externally due to the different materials that were used.

Carlisle House construction history, from USHS, colorized by author.

Carlisle House construction history, from USHS, colorized by author.

 Fanny and Thomas were famous inhabitants of Alpine who were friendly to everyone. They were renowned for their generosity and often had indigenous people camp on their property and dry their blankets after storms passed through the area. The Carlisle house was a symbol of friendship and a community hub for those in need.

Images from familysearch.org

The house remained in the family for many years until it was recently sold and transformed into a photo studio. Hundreds of families visited the studio and had their pictures taken inside the house and on the property. 

The Carlisle house is now under threat and is planned for demolition. Help us save this important community asset – post a comment and tell us your stories and memories of the Carlisle house.

Image from Google, modified by author.

Contact the Mountainville Academy and tell them why it is important to you and the Alpine community, and ask them to accept the offer to purchase the Carlisle house.

Contact the Alpine City Council and tell them to preserve the Carlisle house.

Also, fun fact, Thomas is my 8th cousin 4 times removed. I had to trace my ancestry back to the 1500s in jolly old England but we are related!

A selection of comments posted on my Instagram:

  • Thank you for sharing! I'm an Alpine resident and I love this old house!
  • Thank you for sharing the story wow!
  • My family’s been in Alpine for a few generations, and my grandma worked at the old Bank of American Fork that sits right next to this house. Alpine as I remember it doesn’t exist anymore! Losing another pioneer home in Alpine would be a tragedy.
  • Fanny was the oldest person in Alpine at the time of her death.
  • Growing up, I moved a lot and didn't have a real "hometown." But my grandparents lived in Alpine for most of my life, so the drive past this house and up the hill toward Moyle Park is forever etched in my brain. It's the only place the feels like home to me. I'd buy that house immediately if I had the cash myself! Please, please save it.

Update - 4 Jan 2024
Mountainville Academy does not want to sell the Carlisle house to the private buyer who has submitted a cash offer.  Mountainville Academy has not been listening to the community and they are demanding Alpine City initiate a land swap with stipulations as the only way they will not demolish the historic home. Which now puts the burden on the Alpine City Council to facilitate their demand or face the loss of this important community gem. 

Update - 17 May 2024
Mountainville Academy has rejected an offer by Alpine City and the Friends of the Alpine Library to purchase the house for preservation and to use it for a children's library.  Rather than easily designing around the house, Mountainville will demolish this Civil War-era home for a parking lot and STEM Building. More here

01 December 2023

Hale Market Ghost Sign

The Hale Grocery ghost sign at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City, has been revealed during recent renovations. The old market is soon to become a new location of Victor’s Restaurant (of Victor’s Tires fame!)

Hale Grocery ghost sign at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

Hale Grocery ghost sign at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

Hale Grocery ghost sign at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

Hale Market, as it was most commonly known, was established about 1925 by Parley W. and Olive Hale. They purchased and lived in the now adjoining home and converted the garage into a market.

In the first few decades, Hale Market was primarily known as a butcher shop, but it also sold dry goods, groceries, and notions (sewing accessories).

Parley Hale primarily worked at the store, and when his son Don C. Hale was old enough, he worked at the market too. The ca. 1940 photo shows both Parley and Don Hale in front of the market.

Hale’s Market with Parley and Don Hale, ca. 1940. From FamilySearch.

The son, Don C. Hale, wanted to go into business of his own and was intrigued by car hops. But having been denied the Big Boy franchise (it was purchased by someone else), Don decided to build his own burger shop and in 1959 opened Hires Drive-In at 425 S 700 East. Don was able to procure his fresh meat, bread, and produce through Hale Market. (Of note, it is called Hires because Hires Root Beer provided a sign if they agreed to sell Hires root beer.)

Glen Boldt took over ownership of the market in 1981. He started working at the market in 1954 as a bagger at the age of 14. He kept the old wood shelves and the pea-green wooden counter to keep that old neighborhood market feel that he loved.

As a local shop, Glen Boldt knew just about everyone in the neighborhood and extended credit to long-time customers.

 Hale Market about 2011, from Google Street View.

Even when the Smiths Marketplace (previously known as Fred Meyers) was built in 1995, Hale Market persevered.

Hale Market closed around 2016 and has been vacant since.

The building is located in the local Central City Historic District and any significant changes are subject to approval by the SLC Historic Landmark Commission.

Hale Market at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

Hale Market at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

The house adjoining Hale Market at 511 S 500 East, Salt Lake City. Nov 2023.

29 November 2023

Great-Grandma Edna’s Fruit Cake

Great-Grandma Edna’s Fruit Cake

3 to 4 4-oz jars Glacé mixed fruit peeled
3 4- oz jars Glacé pineapple, cubed
2 to 3 Glacé jars of cherries (red and green), cut up
3 3/4 cups seedless golden raisins
3/4 cup currants
2 1/4 cups chopped pecans or walnuts
1/2 cup grape juice
2 cups brown sugar
1/2 pound butter (2 sticks)
5 eggs
1 tsp almond flavoring
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp mace
1/4 tsp baking soda

COMBINE the fruits and nuts with the grape juice, allow mixture to stand for 1 hour.

MIX: sugar, butter thoroughly in large bowl. Add the eggs, flour, almond flavor, cinnamon, mace, and baking soda. Turn the batter into a tube pan (or bread pans) lined with wax paper. Press down lightly.

BAKE at 275 degrees until firm and evenly browned, approximately 3 hours.

Remove from oven and cool for an hour. Remove from pan and cool thoroughly.

Wrap cake in brandy-soaked cheesecloth. Store in air-tight container for at least one week.

Chill before serving.

Grandma used to make this about Thanksgiving and bring out for Christmas...it was delicious.

100-year-old Salt Lake City recipes from the Sarah Daft Home

A collection of 100-year-old Salt Lake City recipes, for your consideration this holiday season.

These recipes are from the 1923 Sarah Daft Home Cook Book, as assembled by the Board of Directors.

The Sarah Daft Home, established in 1911, is one of the oldest nonprofit assisted living facilities in the USA and still utilizes its original Colonial Revival historic building at 737 S 1300 East SLC.

Many of the women who contributed to this cookbook were upper-middle-class club women; meaning, these women and their families were part of the professional working society (not millionaires) and likely cooked for their households rather than employing full-time servants. These women often hosted bridge parties, dinner parties, and holiday celebrations.

Many of these women were LDS but some were not and included here are some recipes with wine and spirits.

I tend to think of this collection as the 1923 version of “easy entertaining.” These recipes are economical, not complex, and are often quicker versions of traditional methods.

I chose not to highlight some of the more unusual recipes, such as “Fish Pudding” (described later as “a good use of sucker fish from Utah Lake.”)

Be assured, there are quite a few gelatin-based recipes, and certainly some similar to classic Utah Jello Salad creations.

Surprising to me was the inclusion of “pigs in a blanket” as I had assumed that was born in the 1950s.

Also fun is the term “alligator pear” which refers to avocados.

Of note, in 1923 Salt Lake, the avocado was fairly rare and expensive; so, the inclusion of an avocado salad recipe in this cookbook speaks to the higher social and economic status of these women.

In 1924 the Avocado Pear was described as the Thanksgiving season’s “freak food” and sold in a local store for 85 cents each… which equates to $15.20 in 2023 dollars.

I can see many of these recipes being well-suited for today’s holiday gatherings.

A tip from my Great-Grandmother: she always made her Fruit Cake around Thanksgiving and soaked it in Brandy until Christmas.

28 November 2023

Videos of the Yardstick Building Demolition

A couple videos of the demolition of the Yardstick Building at 52 E Broadway, Salt Lake City.

This clip shows the walls and windows being knocked down.

This clip shows the interior floors being demolished. Chomp, Chomp. Crumble, Crumble.

26 November 2023

Demolition of the Yardstick Building in Photographs

Demolition of the Yardstick Building, Nov 6 - Nov 21, 2023. Thanks to Zack Gates (@jawa1896) for providing half of these photos!

Next up for this property will be a long-term lease and/or build-to-suit.

From LoopNet

Hidden details uncovered during the Yardstick Demolition

I documented much of the demolition process of the historic Yardstick Building at 52 E Broadway Salt Lake City and I was able to photograph some interesting details.  These images were taken November 6-21, 2023.

I saw the demolition process as akin to archaeological excavation (which is also a destructive process).

As the building was slowly removed beginning at the front of the building and toward the back, different profiles emerged of the layout including little details such as corridors, clawfoot bathtubs, wallpaper, crown molding, and the original wood-framed windows.

Here are a few selections of those details.

 Original façade of the Yardstick under the modern false facade.

North side of the building, profile showing 3 floors and a basement

North side: Doors, archways, and theater entrance (lower right).

North side: detail of door with original hardware. And pink/green floral wallpaper.

North side: Wood-frame window and green leaf wallpaper.

South side: Windows and frames.

South side: showing 3 floors with doors and hallways.

South side: Bathroom sink and a corridor on the top floor.

South side: Clawfoot tub on top floor, and wallpaper on middle floor.

South side: Crown molding with doors and hallways.

History of the Yardstick Building

The Yardstick Building at ~50 East 300 South, Salt Lake City, has been demolished, so let’s dive into its history... as told in three parts.

The Yardstick Building as it appeared in 2022.
52 E Broadway, Salt Lake City.

Part 1: Origin Story

This property has long ties to two early SLC Jewish families- the Brooks (Brooks Arcade Building at 268 S State) and the Auerbach family (Auerbach Department store at 324 S State) as represented by one woman: Eveline Brooks Auerbach (1860-1924).

Eveline was the daughter of Julius and Fanny Brooks, the first Jewish family to settle in SLC, in 1864. The Brooks family first lived in a small adobe house at the busy corner of 300 South and Main St. Both Julius and Fanny were entrepreneurs, both operating businesses, owning rental property, and buying more property along 300 South between Main and State St. They integrated well with LDS Church members and even attended LDS Sunday School before the first Jewish Synagogue was built in SLC in 1875.

In 1879, The Brook's daughter, Eveline, married a member of another prominent Jewish family, Samuel H Auerbach and Eveline’s parents allowed the newlyweds to build on a portion of land between Main and State streets, what is now the Yardstick (although the Brooks family retained ownership of the land).

By 1883 Eveline and Samuel built a new 2-story family home made of brick, located at 52 E 300 South. They also built 2 rental units just to the west at 48-50 E 300 South of the same style of their home, so much so that it looked to most that the family home and the 2 rental units were a single building.
 The home and rental units of Eveline and Samuel.
Original illustration from USHS.
Clip of the 1884 Sanborn Map showing their home and rental units.

They marketed their rentals as “elegant houses with modern improvements… suitable for dentist and doctor’s parlors.” In addition to dentists, musicians, and other professionals who rented these properties from Eveline, 2 notorious (and fraudulent) spiritualists also rented from her in 1902-1903: the Arnold-Dickson brothers (see a previous post from my #SpookySLC series).

These buildings replaced a log cabin that was previously located on the site and occupied by Alexander Pyper’s family, an early Mormon pioneer.

At the time, most of this section of 300 South was a mixture of old adobe homes originally built by early Mormon settlers and a few updated structures made of wood frame or brick, a much more rural setting. There was even a large “Chinese Vegetable Garden” located on the south side of block at about 45 E 400 South.

But the neighborhood was quickly developing into an urban district and by the 1890s their home and rentals were surrounded by large new buildings such as Freed Furniture & Carpets, the Telluride Hotel, and, of course, the Brooks Arcade building across the street (the façade still stands today). And much of this section of the 300 South was owned by the Brooks and Auerbach families.

Eveline formally inherited ownership of the property (and the Brooks Arcade and other property) when her mother Fanny died in 1901.

By 1908 Eveline and Samuel were living full time in NYC and they decided to demolish their SLC home and rental units and build a new theater and hotel in its location at 44-52 E 300 South. This is the building that became the Yardstick and is now being demolished.
Eveline Brooks Auerbach wearing a fashionable ostrich feather hat.

Eveline's husband Samuel Auerbach.

Part 2: Eveline’s Theater

In 1908 Eveline Brooks Auerbach constructed a new hotel and theater at 44-52 E 300 South at the site of her previous home (see last post), this building is what eventually became known as the Yardstick.

Eveline’s building was mixed-used with commercial on the ground floor, a rathskeller (bar/restaurant) in the basement, a hotel above (men’s bachelor quarters), and a large theater in the back. This was Eveline’s property, but she was living in NYC so she had her son George S. Auerbach oversee the construction (the location of his birth!).

Eveline’s husband Samuel H. Auerbach and her sons George and Herbert were involved with other endeavors in the area, namely Auerbach’s Department Store and other properties totaling more than 10 acres- making the Auerbach family the largest owner of commercial real estate in downtown SLC in 1909.

Eveline’s building was primarily known by the theater, as it was the largest portion of the building with the entrance and lobby of the theater being in the center of the building on the ground floor, with a large stage and auditorium occupying the back of the building. The building also included a smoking room for men, a parlor for women, and dressing rooms (individual rooms for the stars) for travel companies. The theater was decorated in ivory tones and outfitted with luxury lighting and textiles.

The front of the building featured a large sign made by Western Electric Co featuring individual lighted letters that could be swapped out to spell the current performance.

The theater was first known as the Colonial Theatre, and then became known as the Pantages Theatre (one of many) in 1913, Loew’s State Theater in 1921, and finally the Victory Theater in 1924.

Colonial Theatre with its big Western Electric Sign in 1909
Source USHS.

Eveline's theater when it was known as The Pantages Theatre, 1920.
Source USHS.

Interior of the Colonial Theatre, 1908.  Note the asbestos curtain.
Source USHS.

Victory Theatre lobby in 1924. The statue is a reproduction of the sculpture Winged Victory of Samothrace. Source USHS.

Long hallway entrance to the lobby of the Victory Theatre, 1924.
Source USHS

Victory Theatre with neon front, 1937.
Source USHS.

The Louvre Rathskiller occupied the basement, when it opened it was described as the “most novel and artistic metropolitan cafes… west of Chicago.”

The hotel was first known as the Touraine European Hotel, and was initially managed by Mrs. Ida M. Godman, described as “one of Salt Lake’s successful businesswomen.” The hotel was primarily used as a boarding house (typical of that era) rather than tourist lodging. The hotel became known as the St George Hotel in 1952.

Newspaper advertisements. The top is from The Journal Oct 7 1913; the bottom is from The Salt Lake Tribune March 20 1938.

Newspaper advertisements. The left is from The Salt Lake Tribune Nov 22 1928; The right is from The Salt Lake Tribune Oct 2 1937.

Of note, the first talkie film presented in Utah was shown at the Victory Theater on May 22 1928, and was “The Singing Fool” starring Al Jolson (in blackface!).

In 1943, one of the most devastating fires in SLC destroyed the Victory Theater. Several people were injured, and 3 firemen were killed. The fire was able to be contained to the theater building in the back and none of the adjacent buildings were burned.  See a previous post for more about that.

Detail of the Victory Theatre fire ruins, 1943. Source USHS.

After the fire only a brick shell surrounding rubble remained. The fire-ruined brick walls stood for several years; sometime after 1950 they were removed but the large concrete subterranean foundation remains.

Detail of the 1950 Sanborn Map showing the concrete ruins of the Victory Theater.
The property remained with the Auerbach family until 1949 when Eveline’s children sold the majority ownership to a Los Angeles real estate mogul, E. Phillip Lyon.

Part 3: Mid-Century Makeover 

Eveline Brooks Auerbach died in 1924 but the property remained part of the Auerbach holdings. After the Victory Theater fire in 1943, the property was sold in 1949 to a California group headed by E. Phillip Lyon who remodeled the building, including the new modern façade. In 1955, Lyon’s share was acquired by his partners Molly and Julius Fligelman, who became the long-time owners.

The Yardstick fabric store has been there since the beginning of the remodel. It moved into the section that was originally the hotel office, on the west side of the building (40 E). The middle section that once was the theater entrance was remodeled into a storefront with Lerner Shops as the primary occupant (44 E). The east side of the building (52 E) was generally a shoes or women’s apparel store, such as Juliette’s Intimate Apparel in 1977. And, for a time, Auerbach’s used the basement for storage.

The Yardstick in 1952. Source USHS.
Like many cities, SLC’s downtown family housing declined after WWII as the GI-bill-fueled suburbs expanded. For a time SLC was able to keep its downtown shopping district alive. Many people fondly remember shopping at the old ZCMI, Keith O’Brien, Auerbach’s, and others. These shops in the Yardstick building were a part of that shopping experience, with the Yardstick often being remembered as the best place to buy fabric anywhere in town.

The 1950s and early 1960s are often remembered fondly for downtown shopping. Check out the documentary film “Utah in the 50s” for a detailed view of that era.  

In 1962, the Cottonwood Mall in Holladay was built - Utah’s first large indoor shopping mall. And downtown shopping was further at risk. The big shopping days around the Holidays and Back-to-School became destination experiences and often local businesses banded together to put on events to draw people downtown.

Back to School shopping advertisement, from The Salt Lake Tribune Aug 14 1966.

Downtown Days newspaper advertisement at the Lerner Shops, from the Deseret News March 31, 1965.

The Yardstick Store closing clearance sale, from The Salt Lake Tribune Aug 30 1992.

By the 1970s, SLC was suffering…. Throw in lingering effects from redlining, racial housing policies, unequal access to education/utilities, and the new SLC RDA’s efforts to “clean up” urban “ghettos” and it was just a huge mess. More than I can talk about here.

Modern facade, Juliette's Intimate Apparel, 52 E 300 South, about 1979.  From UDSH building files.

Modern facade, Lerner Shops, 44 E 300 South, about 1979.  From UDSH building files.

Modern facade, Yardstick, 52 E 300 South, about 1979.  From UDSH building files.

The Yardstick persevered, however, as it remained at its location until 1992. The building was boarded up and became known for its ever-changing street art, until its demolition this week.